Monday, September 26, 2011
Spark your Creativity! It's good for you!
We expect doctors to ask us if we smoke,” says Jeremy Nobel, a lecturer at
Harvard School of Public Health and founder of the organization. “Should we
expect them to ask us, ‘Do you have a creative outlet?’ ”
This is from an article I read in a blog from a very dear person who gives so much of herself. Her name is Alessandra Colfi PH.D.(c) and she is a Doctor at the San Diego Cancer Institute. A Doctor? Let me try to explain.
Alessandra teaches in " Expressive Arts Therapy," a class I don't spend nearly enough time in. But is offered by the San Diego Cancer Center. In saying this Iam just affirming the fact that "Arts, crafting, sewing and other kind s of creative outlets are good forus. Good for the healing process and good for anything that aile's you.
See that? And here I thought it was just good sex that was woking. Haha.
Do something creative everyday!
Hot Tips for photo editing
I wanted to share this photo editor in the link below. It is the coolest and easiest thing to use, a child could use it. You don't even have to download anything.
It can also show you how you would look in a different hair color. There is a 2 min. demo to show you how it works. I watched it and it was very informative.
How is that? And it's free. I sure wish I had this when I was hairdressing!
So for all my girls that are not real hip to computers try this out. And then leave me a message. Hugs. Thank you Shabby Blogs!
It can also show you how you would look in a different hair color. There is a 2 min. demo to show you how it works. I watched it and it was very informative.
How is that? And it's free. I sure wish I had this when I was hairdressing!
So for all my girls that are not real hip to computers try this out. And then leave me a message. Hugs. Thank you Shabby Blogs!
Hot tips
Hello, I have a great tip today from the NEW Martha Stewart Show.
Do you have kids who scuff up there shoes at the toes? Well today I watched Martha and they showed cute glitter decorating on shoes, but the thing I really loved was how MARTHA SHOWED how to repair the tips of your girls shoes.
You will need:
masking tape Modge Podge
glitter (I prefer Martha Stewart if you have it)
mixing bowl
paint brush or sponge brush
Mix Modge Podge and glitter in a mixing bowl 2 parts Modge Podge to one part glitter.
Tape off the front of the shoe with masking tape. About one inch from the tip. Apply with brush the glitter mix and let dry. Apply more coats as desired. Martha just put Modge Podge on the shoe and applied glittet, but I'm not sure how long that would last. It may hold longer if layered. But that is up tp you., Let me know if you try this and what method works best for you. Enjoy!
P.S. Can also be used to decorate entire shoe or sneekers.
Do you have kids who scuff up there shoes at the toes? Well today I watched Martha and they showed cute glitter decorating on shoes, but the thing I really loved was how MARTHA SHOWED how to repair the tips of your girls shoes.
You will need:
masking tape Modge Podge
glitter (I prefer Martha Stewart if you have it)
mixing bowl
paint brush or sponge brush
Mix Modge Podge and glitter in a mixing bowl 2 parts Modge Podge to one part glitter.
Tape off the front of the shoe with masking tape. About one inch from the tip. Apply with brush the glitter mix and let dry. Apply more coats as desired. Martha just put Modge Podge on the shoe and applied glittet, but I'm not sure how long that would last. It may hold longer if layered. But that is up tp you., Let me know if you try this and what method works best for you. Enjoy!
P.S. Can also be used to decorate entire shoe or sneekers.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Hello, Well Guuess what I'm doing? Give up? I'm going to make my first quilt! Have you ever made one? If so send me a picture or how about some advice? I can't believe I have never made one. In all my days of crafting and sewing I finally decited to do it because now its so much easier with the rotary cutters... and that reminds me. If you are in the market for one let me know and I can get you one at a great price. Also for the rotary blades and cutters. Just leave me a comment and I will get back to you and get you the link and hook you up. Have a greaT DAY!!!AND NIGHT!!!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Hello everyone, Did you know you can use your Cricut machine to cut polymer clay? You just need to condition it well first. You should use a pasta maker and then use the thin setting after you have it conditioned well. Lay it on a deli sheet, (or freezer paper?) and bake for about 10 minutes. This should be enough time for such a thin piece. Take it off of the paper right away so it does not stick. Lay it on your mat and secure with painters tape. Put your settings on 5 and try it out. You can use these items on your mixed media or jewelry projects. I think maybe placing threm back in the oven might help to make them stronger but if you would like a more detailed discription visit
. Have fun and leave me a comment if you try this! Thank you and have a great day!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Don’t you love when someone sends you something––a card in the mail, a text, a link––at exactly the right time? Well I got this list from one of Martha's favorites. Pink of Perfection and I hope she doesn't mind me using this but it is a great one. actually sent from someone else to her.Tonya Leigh’s blog post, The Life SeductionChallenge. Tonya’s list made me feel instantly better about everything, and it made me want to share a similar challenge here, September (or whenever you decide to get going), I know I sure could use it. How about everyone else? Sign up to this challenge with me by putting in your e-mail and post a comment for me too! Let me know how its working for you!
- Give something broken a new life (a skirt, a squeaky wheel, scuffed shoes).
- Put something beautiful on a bit of blank wall you see every day.
- Wear something you love that you think “just isn’t you.”
- Send a thank you note, for anything.
- Spend an afternoon reading.
- Have luncheon: a slow midday meal with cloth napkins and wine.
- Go out of your way to do something kind for a stranger (offer a seat, hold the door, leave your copy of Us Weekly on the elliptical).
- Donate five items from your closet that don’t make you feel unstoppably gorgeous.
- Take care of a nagging life admin item (a trip to the post office, filing an insurance claim, making a doctor’s appointment).
- Buy an utterly frivolous piece of lingerie.
- Invite friends over for cocktails, dinner, or brunch.
- Wake up an hour early to have a leisurely morning.
- Try something that looks like pure fun (accordion, crochet, burlesque).
- Dance. In public, in the living room, with a partner, with yourself.
- Flirt with a stranger. (Smiling counts.)
- Get rid of five things in your home that don’t bring you pleasure.
- Go to a parfumerie or department store in search of a signature scent.
- Buy flowers for your home or office.
- Make a recipe from a fruit, vegetable, meat or fish you’ve never cooked before.
- Walk barefoot in the grass or on the sand.
- Have a media-free day.
- Write down everything you feel grateful for.
- Hold a baby.
- Pet a puppy.
- Ask someone to tell you their life story.
- Read a biography of your favorite glamorous screen star, or the bravest, most badass real life heroine.
- Eat fresh berries, straight from the green paper pint.
- Create an occasion to wear your most impractical pair of shoes.
- Write down your wildest dreams.
- Take one itsy-bitsy, teensy-weensy step to make one real.
- Have a proper weekday coffee break: ceramic cup, idle gossip, and staring out a window.
- Visit a playground and swing.
- Make lemonade. (Literally or figuratively.)
- Go to a junk or antique story; consider what your favorite object has seen in its life.
- Jump in a body of water. Float.
- Give someone a hug; let them let go first.
- Look at the stars.
- Replace one utilitarian item you use every day––a measuring spoon, a file folder, a key chain––with something really, really beautiful.
- Pamper your body with a massage, an overdue haircut, a trip to the sauna, or a soak in the tub.
- Research something that sparks your curiosity (Arthurian legend, photosynthesis, investing). If you’re still curious after a 15-minute google session, dive deeper.
- Make a collage of beautiful images that resonate with you.
- Read aloud to someone you love.
- Forgive yourself.
- Forgive someone else.
- Spend an hour in silent reflection.
- Dine by candlelight on a weeknight.
- Take a walk after dinner.
- Wear your no-fail, cheer-me-up lipstick.
- Give a genuine compliment to an acquaintance.
- Have a glass of champagne, just because.
- Spend one day taking pictures of everything you find beautiful.
- Describe your perfect day in writing.
- Block out an afternoon (or day) on the calendar to make some (or all) of it real.
- Select one drawer or surface and organize it.
- Write a love letter.
- Do something you loved as a child.
- Upgrade your sleep wear, or go Marilyn-style.
- Do the one thing you were relieved/sad wasn’t on this list.
- Pretend for one day that you are as confident and amazing as you want to be.
- Special thanks to Tonya Leigh for the inspiration (and several of the ideas on this lis
Hi everyone! just wanted to say" hi" and tell you I am sorry it has taken so long to get up and going. I put off getting my blog in order because my nephew came on the hilideay weekend to help me with it but we never got around to it,so I am on my own. Hope you can put up with my mess! For now,have a great Wed,
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