Monday, October 24, 2011

"Paper Cuts"

Well most of you don’t know me yet and I have a confession to let you in on.  I have an addiction.  Well it’s more than one and I’m going to tell you IMG_1471.jpg paper cutsa little about some of them,not all of them just yet.  We need to get to know one another a bit more. 
The first one I will let you in on is my addiction to paper.  I love it.  Have for a long time now as most of you do as well I’m sure.  (although I haven’t seen you at the meetings! You know who you are.  PA..A.papers addicts anonymous) It started in kindergarten,you know,the paper they would wrap your book in to take home?  You were supposed to bring it back in that paper ,but I never could manage to find it when the time came.  Then I graduated to wrapping paper at my birthday parties.  Then it was on to wall paper, and now I m out of control…Scrap paper papers, recycling papers oh no.  Tell me I’M NOT ALONE. PLEASE? 
ANYWAY, on to the subject at hand.  I found this blog called Paper Cuts and it is so cute and cool.  There is one talented person here who makes silhouettes of the funniest things…well you just have to go check them out.  See you at the next P.A.A. meeting! 

Friday, October 21, 2011

More Hot Tips

Hello, Well I am going to be sharing some more tips for anyone who might be interested.  Although not new but maybe a reminder.
When I get done with my shower I always take my squeegee and use it on all the walls and the door to not only avoid water marks,but it helps prevent mildew and it also is so much less work when cleaning the shower later.  Now all I have to do, is scrub the shower floor about once a week and do the whole shower once a month.(or less) It saves so much time later on a job I hate doing.  Hope this helps. If you have a shower curtain,shake it well before using squeegee.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Shopping Oppourtunity

Hello Friends,
          Do you like getting a head start on the holidays? Supporting local vendors AND Crittenton Services? Come by our ‘Shop For A Cause’ event one week from yesterday ( Thursday, Oct 20th 4-8pm) and visit, have fun and do some shopping. A percentage of all sales goes to Crittenton. Come by and check out Mary Kay Cosmetics, Pampered Chef, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Stella Dot Jewelry as well as specialty vendors like Bartholomew & co (fabulous clothing & accessories), handmade headbands, jewelry and MORE, Way MORE! Also homemade baked goods will be available for purchase also. Felicia Auxiliary is coordinating this event and all proceeds go to Crittenton Services. Please stop by and check us out – and tell a friend!
Thank you for your support of Crittenton, Felicia Auxiliary and the children & families,
Marlene McGlensey
Crittenton Volunteer & Felicia Auxiliary member

Felicia Auxiliary "Shop for a Cause" Boutique
benefiting Crittenton Services for Children and Families
Thursday, October 20, 2011
4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
First Presbyterian Church
838 North Euclid Street
Fullerton, CA 92832
Plan to do your Holiday Shopping at our event.
Each vendor will donate a portion of their profits to Felicia Auxiliary.
We have Fantastic Vendors for this Fund-raiser!!!!
Jewelry, Hand bags, Cosmetics, Kitchen items, Cooking items, Scrapbooking,
Clothing, Candles, Baby items & more!
For questions please mail us at:

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Truths for Mature Humans

Pinned Image

Christmas Cards

Hi Everybody, Well has anybody started thinking about Christmas Cards yet?  Well I have been making them like crazy.  My sister Kik and I are doing a craft holiday show for her charity she is involved in.  She isa giving me a chance to sell some of my cards and that is getting me in the mood.  I was busy trying to finish a watercolor I started last year but she wasn't crazy about it so I am finishing up on a different one.  I will take a picture of the watercolor cards I am making aqnd also the other cards I am bringing with me to sell.  If anyone is interested in ordering any please leave me a message and I can let you know the price and also can do custom orders if you have something in mind.  So if you have any questions for me let me know.  I will return soon!          Hugs,