The first one I will let you in on is my addiction to paper. I love it. Have for a long time now as most of you do as well I’m sure. (although I haven’t seen you at the meetings! You know who you are. PA..A.papers addicts anonymous) It started in kindergarten,you know,the paper they would wrap your book in to take home? You were supposed to bring it back in that paper ,but I never could manage to find it when the time came. Then I graduated to wrapping paper at my birthday parties. Then it was on to wall paper, and now I m out of control…Scrap paper papers, recycling papers oh no. Tell me I’M NOT ALONE. PLEASE?
ANYWAY, on to the subject at hand. I found this blog called Paper Cuts and it is so cute and cool. There is one talented person here who makes silhouettes of the funniest things…well you just have to go check them out. See you at the next P.A.A. meeting!