Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Friday, My Homemade Christmas

                                          My Homemade Christmas
Happy Friday!

Picture frames and saying decoration
This is my first attempt at a link Friday.  Let's see how well this goes.  Any helpful comments are appreciated.

Two years ago we had to downsize like a lot of folks out there. 
 I had sold every Snow Babies Department 56,  I had collected for the past 20 or so years.  Along with my 10 rubber containers of garland and decorations.  
The only things I did keep were my Crafting toys, Sewing machine and Paper.  Needless to say I didn't do Christmas last year but missed it so much this year I decided I would attempt a homemade Christmas.  Gifts and all.  These are some gifts I made.  Next week I'll post more of my house decorations.

Toilet paper boxes & glitter tags

Burlap & Sheer table runner

Bags and tissue printed on.

Painted rock

Painted tile w/candy cane stand

Baked Cookies and frozen ones for later.

Decoration gift
Apron for friend
Picture I painted for sister
Bookmark Christmas Cards
Painting I did for decoration
Monocle necklace gift
Chilli'n Shorts for hubby
Stuffed Ice cream cone for "Dragon" our kitten.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

  Here's a little thought for those of you who need a little encouragement and inspiration.

There's an old saying . That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger . I don't believe that. 
I think the things that try to kill you make you angry and sad.
Strength comes from the good things. Your family ,your friends, the satisfaction you get from hard work ....those are the things that keep you whole .
Those are the things to hold on to when your broken. 
With out those things what do we have to work for,where does our satisfaction of a finished project or these things of beauty we bring into our lives mean without family or friends to enjoy and give you kudos . This is what we strive for . All of us. This is where our strength comes from. 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Coming home

Happy New Year to my followers. Just wanted to let you know I am back.  After trying to separate my different art subjects into different blogs, I got burned out and quit all of them.  But I apologize for the absence and wanted to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!   
  I don't know if you have noticed or not but I am a Multi-Media Artist.  I saw that on  @Christopher Nejmans  blog yesterday( Hope you don't mind Christopher, by the way, great videos on you tube for heirloom sewing) and liked that it covers just about everything.   And that is  what I do.   I haven't quite figured out if it's a blessing or a curse.  ,Heck maybe I am just a little(I know, a lot) a.d.d..  Aren't a lot of artist?
I want to welcome you BACK TO MY BLOG! Or welcome first timers who accidentally dropped

Monday, October 1, 2012

Perfect subject for a painting.

www.New Orleans Online
Painting inspiration comes in all forms.  I like to share some of mine with you.

Check out this website for some painting  inspiration. If you have been to New Orleans you will know there plenty of beautiful color and subject .
If your lucky you might also win a trip to New Orleans . One of My favorite travel destinations . I love the history and culture there besides the great food and drink

Saturday, September 15, 2012


I cant believe how a simple request can inspire you .
I was asked to do a watercolor class at the cancer institute and boy was it an inspiration . All of a sudden I had the feeling of importance of a  professional artist . It totally changed My vision of myself . I felt like a real artist finally in My own mind . And sometimes that's what ot takes to convince yourself that you can  do it..
You can follow your dreams . That sounds wrong . To follow your dreams . You can make your dreams come true! Thanks to My wonderful friends at the cancer institute and special thanks to @Alessandra Coife for her wonderful teaching skills,creativity and patience with all of us.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Inspiration for My stargazer lily

I was showing My niece this t-shirt the other day. I told her how I really loved it but got a major spot on it. So what I did was cut out a piece of fabric and put it over the spot with iron on and then sewed around it. She thought I had painted it. On. A very nice complement . And so, this was My inspiration for this picture . You never know where you will find your inspiration!  Thank you Genevieve !

Friday, August 31, 2012

Blue moon

Tonight we will have what is known as a blue moon . The blue moon only occurs every three years. The reason it is called a blue moon is because there is two full moons in one month.
Thought you may want to know this little bit of trivia.
How many facts do you know about a"blue moon?"
I always remember it because it is my sisters favorite song.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Stargazer Lilly
I have just come to the realization that it is vital to use good paper when painting in watercolor medium. Now, I know that the  pro's have always pushed this way of thinking But I have been painting for a while and it wasn't worth wasting a good sheet of quality paper before . Don't get me wrong. I use quality on My commishioned projects. Now I can finally say I think I have come into own. I am very pleased with the way the brush floats along the paper. It sure feels good!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

WHAT COLOR IS IT @paperfashion

Are you interested in becoming an artist or just fooling around with some watercolor?
Well I have been fooling around with it for a while now and am loving it!  i truly believe art has kept me alive!  I don't know what I would do without it.  It truly keeps my mind active and not think about my cancer.  It is a constant beautiful thing to think about every waking minute.
I am always looking for new ideas and technique's.  Here I found a blog that I just love.  She
paints with the colors of my palette.  I am so into color.  Life for me is seeing through rose colored glasses.  So check out this blog if you want some cool inspiration for color, painting or fashion.  I think WHAT COLOR IS IT @paperfashion

Enter to win $100.00 gift card from The Graphics Fairy

Visit one of my favorite blogs.
The Graphics Fairy.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cards on the fly...  Hey I just thought of a great idea. Are you ever in a fix when you have to go somewhere and you forgot to get a gift?  Or a card?  Well I can show you how to make a card on the fly. I had to make a baby shower card and didn't have any baby paper so I thought of this. But it can work for other occasions as well.
148celadon.jpg (466Ă—607) want to know how?  Just go online and bring up miniature doll houses, then look for the wall papers for the doll houses.  Print them out.  Sometimes you will get a page with four different coordinating pasterns and that's great for making a cool card.  or you can print out just one page for a border or make it into some stationary.  I just printed some nursery wall paper for my friend.blackcrmgar.jpg (464Ă—600)


     I could use some help.  I am living in a new apartment and am not use to the small space.

 The other day I saw a post about a lamp made out of doilies. It was so cute and I think it would take away from the short ceilings. 

 If anyone knows where I can find this again would you please let me know by leaving a comment. I would really appreciate it.  And any other cute shabby projects. 

 Love to all of you and thank you for all of your inspiration!  Give tourselves a hug for me.

How to blow up a picture to poster size

  Hello my friends, I wanted to share yet another hot tip from one of my favorite sites and talented persons on the web.  Todays tip is from" The Graphics Fairy."In this tip today  she will be demonstrating how to transfer an image to a table top by blowing up a picture from a website called http://blockp Go to for more info on this beutiful project.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Happy Spring!

Hello my favorite Peeps,Wishing you a Blesses and Happy Easter,Welcome Spring time,and a Blessed Passover.this is my favorite time of the year and as you may be able to tell ite's because of the beautiful colors that God has blessed us with.I just love the new bulbs that surprise me as I am walking down a path or on my way into a building!  There is beauty all around us if we just take notice.  Enjoy this time of year because it is so uplifting and a time for new beginings.  I believe this is my New Year.Not in nasty ol January with all the pressures to change.  To me it comes naturally now with all the new groth all around us. Enjoy your spring with me!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

        Hello Everyone,
        I am sorry I have been away so long. (as if anyone noticed) L.O.L.. But we just moved and     
        got the stomach flu on top of the moving mess.  Not much fun.  We all know how much fun that
        is. NOT!
        Anyway, on to much more fun toipics. I was catching up on my blog reads and boy there are         some real wise people sharing some very cool stuff. I wanted to say WOMEN because that's the majority of the people who write the blogs I happen to read. Although thier are more men coming up too.
For my number one pick of the week I read on "A Beautiful Mess" that you can make chalkboard
paint in Beautiful Colors and  although she does give "Martha" credit for it, I wouldn't have seen it had it not been for "A Beautiful Mess."
So lets get started:

Start with flat-finish latex paint in any shade. For small areas, such as a door panel, mix 1 cup at a time.
 1. Pour 1 cup of paint into a container.   
 2. Add 2 tablespoons of unsanded tile grout.
 3.Mix with a paint stirrer, carefully breaking up clumps.
Apply paint with a roller or a sponge paintbrush or roller,  to a primed or painted surface. Work in smallsections  going over the same spot several times to ensure full, even coverage.                           Let dry.
 Smooth area with 150-grit sandpaper and wipe off dust.
*To condition: Rub the side of a piece of chalk over entire surface. Wipe away residue with a barely damp sponge
Now, I remember when we were in school how important it was to *condition the chalkboard.  After reading this part I realized why my chalkboard I had made didn't work like the old ones.  *Very important part people.                  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PAPERCOLOR @paperfashion

Hi everyone, So sorry I havent been around. I have been trying to find a new place to live. Downsizing like a lot of people. So we rented a u haul truck and loading it up. After that I hope we will find a place.
meanwhile I found this blog and it's inspiration. I love watercolors and recently I have sold 2 of my originals and have been working on 3 other custom orders. I will talk to you later! Give yourselves a hug for m.PAPERCOLOR @paperfashion

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pop Up WOW Ornament - Stampin' Up - YouTube

Wow, have you seen this cool ornament by Terri at Stampin  It is on you tube and I saw it last christmas season.  I want to make it for my next years greeting cards but I am not sure everyone  will know how to open it. I tested a few of them this year and I was surprised how many people didn't know what to do with it.  It is kind of like a test puzzle.  There you go"its a gift, an ornament, and a greeting card.  If anyone hasa a suggestion of what to put in the envelope let me kpow.  Leave a comment.  Perhaps a funny saying or a witty saying...Here is the link to it.  Thanks for stoppin by.
Pop-UpOrnamentStamp-inup@youtube.comPop Up Or for more information go see Tami at

The Great Organizing Giveaway !! | [ real neat ] - real life. real organized. real simple.™

The Great Organizing Giveaway !! | [ real neat ] - real life. real organized. real simple.™
Hello everyone and wishing you a great Thanksgiving Day! I am thankful to have everyone in my life today. Also wishing Josh Bewley a Happy Birthday!
This post is obviously dated for 2010 but I wanted to share this website, for orginizing your downloads and keeping your computer free of overload. If your anything like me and need to download every idea you see online, you can load yourself down with tons of junk. I used to print out everything. That was silly because I would have all this paper laying around and reminding me how I need to do this or that so I could throw the paper away. Then I started saving it to my files on the computer. But that got messy too. In this blog she will help you organize your life from work, to home, to your kids. But the great thing is, she is so subtle in her delivery that it doesn't become a chore, it just becomes part of your life. That's what I like...
I looked on another website for organization skills and the site was so full of info that it overwhelmed me. Here this site was supposed to be about un cluttering your life but her site was so cluttered that I couldn't read it without getting stressed.I had to log out because I was getting a panic attack!!!
But Michelle gives you her little tips one thing at a time. Last night I read something she sent me for signing up and before I knew it I was picking up the living room before I went to bed,putting away dinner mess, washed my face and brushed my teeth, cleaned up my bedroom and didn't even realize I was doing it. I HATE doing this stuff at night. Normally! But it came natural to me after reading her article. She makes you want to do these things, for some reason.
Anyway, Check her out if you need a little inspiration I know I do!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

SIX THINGS NOT TO DO to make your time more productive!

1.Pointless email. I know, I know. You think every email you get is important, but really it’s not. Try cutting back checking your email to twice a day, and never look at email first thing in the morning, before you have a chance to set your direction for the day. Why? Most email really isn’t that important, but crafting thoughtful responses takes up a lot of time, and really doesn’t get much done. This is the junk food of the productivity world, it fills you up without nourishing you. This goes for both personal and work email.

2.Reading your pointless email during a meeting. As if email isn’t bad enough, now you’re reading it during a meeting, when you should be participating?! Total waste of time, yours and theirs. Get involved or get out.

3.Useless meetings If you’re not contributing something or gaining useful insight, then speak up, or get out, or say no next time this person calls one. Chances are you aren’t the only person who thinks that way, so you’ll be seen as a real get-things-done kinda guy or gal.

4. Complaining. So yes, it feels good to blow off some steam and vent about the boss, your finances, your spouse, but in the end, it only reinforces a counterproductive mindset: that they are the problem and you are a victim. So just stop. Instead, try to see things from their perspective, and start looking for a solution, instead of griping.

5.Watching TV. There are some TV shows that actually improve your ability to get things, but for the most part, TV is an anaesthetic; it zones you out and leaves you more tired, not relaxed. So, rather than watch TV, go out and do something useful, put on some music and straighten up your desk, or write a letter or an article (or that book you’ve always dreamed of!), or practice a musical instrument. Think about it from this angle: no one, on their deathbed, wishes they had watched more TV.

6.Hanging around negative people, or people who indulge in the above behaviors. You become more and more like the people you spend time with. Think about that. If you hang around with people who gripe and complain, or who work hard and don’t get much done (or don’t work hard and don’t get much done), you will become, and remain, one of them.

So, what do you do if you are not doing these things above? That’s up to you, but you will find that when your time and energy isn’t being sucked up by trivialities you will be able to take on and accomplish the sorts of rewarding and satisfying challenges that you had previously only dreamed

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Wild sister! Message for Kate

Well hello to everybody and a beautiful happy new year!
While everyone is getting on with there lives and making there new years resolutions sometimes we forget that there are others out there  in need.  I know it is very hard to think about it when you have finally gotten yourself "UP" and we don't want to bring ourselves on a "Downer" by thinking about the sad stuff in life.  But today I wish to give Kate a"Love Bomb".

Who is Kate?  Well" Today" I joined a group of artist and others called WILD SISTER!  Wild sister is also a magazine, and a bunch of other artist etc. supporting one another.. Funny if you know me personaly because thats what I am considered in my family of 2 brothers and 8 sisters.  Yes, I'm the wild one! 
But enough about me, I was reading the newsletters on the Wild sister RSS and I found this articleand found this sad story.  Love for Kate. The tale of depression.  For so many of us its something we may struggle with silently. This is why I wanted to share a bit of my story with Kate.  And ask my readers to do the same.  Thank you.

Dear Kate,  I am sorry to hear about your sorrow today.  I like many to can be depressed and suffer from depression.  Today, I came to this website on accident. I was searching for my class  I have been so excited about.  A class called" life book the celebration of you." I am taking this class because I have been so down and ready myself to take my own life.  I couldn't afford to take this class.But I used up the last of my credit on my credit cards that are all overdue. But I thought I couldn't afford NOT to take the class.  I am so behind in my rent,( 8,000.00) most of my credit cards are cut off,  my ex ows me a lot of money and he just wont pay so I end up on the streets? Not fair.  Thank god my landlord was an angel, but this month is the end of that.    I got a letter from her, and one from the I.R.S. owing 25,000. Kind of a bummer huh? Well we keep trying to struggle.  I have a great boyfriend who has stood by me for 7 years. We started dating in Oct.2004, and on Dec. 28th 2004 (his birthday)  he took me to the hospital for a biopsy.  Fun way to spend a birthday with a girl you hardly know.  Yes, I was diagnosed with Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma. a.c.c.Rare cancer that is terminal, Burt slow grown. I had surgery, Cut from ear to ear under my neck, Removed 1/3 of my tongue (which makes me talk like a drunk) 28 lymph nodes. And they gave me 3 yrs. to live. I told my b.f. to go on with his life.  He is 22 years younger than me. and a good looking , sweet, handsome guy.  He stayed.  Has gone to  every appt. with me.  Held my hair back while I got sick from radiation, I could go on  How kaiser really screwed me out of my life, and 70,000.but that's another chapter.
Recintly we have been trying to catch up and Jason got  laid  of on his birthday!  Of course I can't tell my landlord, She will be so upset!  And its hard not to.  She lives 6 houses down..  Now,  this guys luck is really not so good to say the least!  When he was 9 months old his mom died.  When he was 3 his step mom left him on the corner of Hollywood Blvd. and Vine. His uncle picked him up and when he was 17 his uncle shot himself in the head.  And we think we have problems???   So anyway Kate, The only reason I don't take my life is because I am so worried it will be worse in the next life.  And I try and remember those days that I just loved life and thanked God.  Also the days that I was grateful I didnt take my life because something greater happened. Like meeting Jason, or a great art class or ?  I really try not to.  And nobody really knows this about me. How I really suffer inside.  They just say things like" Wow you look so great!  You would never know you have cancer!" or "can you believe how you have outlived what the Drs. timeline gave you?" and I think  (Yea, whats up with that! when am I going to be out of here!) its to hard to live.  I think that all the time.  Its so hard not to Kate,  I know. Hearing my problems don't make you feel any better I know.  Big deal right?  Well I am telling you to please wait for one more day. (listen to me,I dont want one more day because I just see myself on the streets,I know,but I go on.) and if I can do it please try to do it.  I will have a contest with you, if you do it,I will.  Live one more day,Kate. O.K.?  This is going to be my first life class moto ! Wow Kate,see what you did for me?   You gave me an idea for my painting today,(if I don't get distracted anymore)haha.  And my painting is going to be called Live one more day, for Kate!  Thank you Kate,Love and hugs, Sheshe(Victoria)
P.S.I failed to mention I havent been able to eat for 7 years. Since my surgery! Yet I still need to cook.  It is soooo hard.  Even to smell the food.  Makes me so sad not to be able to eat it.

What can we do:

For our regular, weekly members who like it simple:
1) Leave a message on this form and they will be compiled and mailed to Kate. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Hot Tips

Hi Guys and Gals , Well here I am again with a big tip for your Christmas Day!  If anyone out there has gotten a little bit in debt with the Christmas season buying, You can now go out and save a bundle on your own car repair.  That's right!  I found a web site called "Car Care" and all you have to do is put your car make and model in and up comes the general maintenance for your car.  Also they give you videos on how to do it.  I think that would be fun for all you girls out there who love a challenge and if you have a bit of cabin fever, well there you go.  Go out and change your air filter, or the oil in your car.  Not only will you save a bundle but you will feel oh so good about it.  Now there's a do it your self tip of the day!!! Havwe a safe and soulful New Year!     Hugs! Sheshe

Friday, December 16, 2011

Martha Pullen Company | Sewing Made Easy

Martha Pulle Company | Sewing Made Easy
Have you ever seen Martha Pullens web-site? Or perhaps her T.V. shows. So different than your average bear. ( j.k.haha) Beautiful
sewing essentials for anyone who sews. From the french lace to the little checks on her fabrics. Reminds me of what my mother used to sew. That was in the olden days though,right? My mother God rest her soul did more than anyone (I think) in her 58 years of life than anyone I know. Martha Pullen would have been proud of her had she known her.
On that subject of our mother, she sewed all of our clothes. And that was a handful in and of itself. There were 8 of us girls, and 2 boys. We would all have matching dresses for all of the holidays. (I will look for a picture of us) and she would make my dad and brother jackets, and the baby of the family ,little bro, would be in knickers and knee socks.
As if that wasn't enough, she made our flannel nighties for christmas eve, and our dolls had matching nighties as well. She would make them all the same except for the accent color, that was how to tell them apart. Even our underwear was handmade. With little cotton eyelet ruffles on the bootie. I remember this to this day, all I wanted for my 9th birthday was a store bought dress. And I got it. I feel so bad now. And I sure wish I had those dresses now.
So this is why I really love Martha Pullens web-site. Check her out.
And if you have a story to share, PLEASE DO. Right here. I would love to read it, and perhaps share it if thats alright with you.

Enjoy your family this holiday season, Sheshe(Victoria)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

My New Mixed Media art

Hello all, Just wanted to share   some of my new art I'm working with. It's called mixed media. Basicly using everything under the kitchen sink.  Don't you love it?  You can use  everything you have.HaHa.  Well here is my shot at it. I made this for my friends Blondie and Spencer.
It is there address.  I went with the circus theme because if you know them,  well if you know them I don'T NEED TO EXPLAIN!